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What is Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

What is Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate Marketing For Beginners
What is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing for beginners ?? By the end of this blog you get to know exactly what is affiliate marketing and can you make money with affiliate marketing.

I'm also going to tell you about the people who are making the money in affiliate marketing and I'm also going to tell you how much money they make so I'm going to take you by the hand and I'm going to show you whether or not affiliate marketing is right for you or not. I'm going to talk about the pros and cons and how it really works so he can do no more than 99 percent of all the people about affiliate marketing because all the information right now is outdated on YouTube. Listen, this is absolutely free.

There is no course for you to buy. I'm not going to sell you a Dollar course of how to do this or how to do that. This is absolutely free now. All I ask is a courtesy which is a very simple subscription drop like and make sure to share this video to support this channel. Here's what we need to know about affiliate marketing. I'm going to show you some things that you need to know in case you are thinking or wondering about what affiliate marketing is in addition. I'm going to show you.

Things that probably nobody knows about or maybe they know they just don't show you and they try to sell you their own stuff. I'm not trying to sell you anything. I've just simply explained that to you and I'm going to go ahead and break it to you very simply so anybody can understand it even if you've never heard of the term, you know affiliate marketing. So let's go ahead and get started. There are some things that you must know. There's a lot of reasons for that is because maybe you're interested in it or you want to get into affiliate marketing. But before you do that, you need some information.

Just legally you have to do your own research. Now, I'm going to go ahead and just give you five important things. And as long as you understand these you get to know probably 99 percent more than other people that they think they know about affiliate marketing now the first thing As we going to go ahead and Define what is affiliate marketing simply is selling other people's products online. It doesn't matter what it is. If it's physical-digital, it really does not matter at all. Now, let's go ahead and talk about that. There are three types of mainly there are three versions of that. Now, let's go ahead and just explore them.

Now, The first one is what I call the public. The public is sub-networks. For example, if you created a course for let's say for example, and you want to sell it online, but you don't want to deal with the management of it and delivery of it and collecting the money and so forth. You would just hire something like ClickBank. For example, ClickBank is something very important and I make it mandatory for all the people that I coach to go through ClickBank number one is that You can make money and at the same time you can start to get an experiment without you getting banned and things like that. Unless you do something bad. Okay, I'm going to go ahead and show you how to actually go to ClickBank and go to Google. You just put ClickBank you just go home now.

There is something here that some people make some mistakes now in case you want to join to promote something don't confuse it with a cell just a little bit about a ClickBank ClickBank that has been around for 20 years. It's in 200 countries and they have already paid 4.2 billion dollars to their Affiliates. So it's not like something that just popped up just a couple of years ago. This one is ClickBank. Now a lot of people make this mistake and they said oh, yeah, I Sell and they click here. No, this is not where you need to if you want to promote a product.

This is not where you need to actually click. This one here is for people that already have a product and they want to sell it on ClickBank. Now, what you want to do is click on promote. Okay, just make sure a lot of people make a mistake and they click here and they kind of like wonder what's going on. And then you click on right here. You click on join ClickBank and after that you are presented with this dialogue right here. Now make sure you fill it correctly and make sure you put the right email address because this is what your email will be. He did for you to verify that so this is for ClickBank. Now the second thing is it is direct now what I mean by direct there are obviously if you go to ClickBank, they have hundreds of thousands of products that you can pick and choose from so make sure you understand that now Walmart obviously is a Walmart. It's one store, but they do the same thing with Target and many many other companies.

They all have affiliate marketers now and affiliate marketing programs. So what if you go to Walmart affiliate marketing and then you get enrolled and you send people to them for certain products for example, and then you get paid since I talked about Walmart affiliate program. You just go to Google in case you want to do that. And then you click on Walmart affiliate program. So you want to go ahead and type that in here. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get to it. So you click on that and then you are faced with an affiliate program just click on the right one like right here and you are presented with this page right here. Now. I'm not telling you to go ahead and join Walmart affiliate program, but since I talked about it, I felt like I needed to go ahead and just let you know how to join the affiliate program and where to go in case you want to do that. I do not like to do any affiliate work with any physical product.

This is Just me, but some people just love that I don't know why but they just like that. So what you do is you click on become a member now, it's going to take you into this page right here Walmart affiliate program here. It tells you a little bit more about it and it goes a little bit more in detail and it tells you how much the payout for everything and how it works so you can fill this application completely. Location and then send it out. You would provide some information here, all the information that you can put in go ahead and put it in, they will do some evaluation quickly and they will let you know.

So this is how to join that but it doesn't matter if it's Walmart or Target or really doesn't matter. The one that I saw the biggest return is hardware stores like Home Depot and so forth. Reason for that, especially overseas. If you are, you want to promote something overseas. This is the best way to do it. I've done it before it was very successful. But at the same time I'd rather not do any type of physical product, but you can do that as well. There are some direct affiliate marketing companies that I don't like you probably want to watch some of my other videos. I'm going to go ahead and put them in the description below. Make sure you do that because you don't want to waste your time and energy and money for something that is not going to give you a return on your investment.

Now, you also have the private now lot of people don't know much about the private networks private networks. They do exist. It's like being locked up. It's what I mean by that is like not anybody can just join in you are there by invite you're able to do that. And then the Fi you based on whoever sent you there. These are very lucrative areas right here, but this is not for beginners. Okay, let's go ahead and talk about how it actually works. Now.You need to know very well, of course, how is it gonna work? Otherwise, you'll be confused. It's very simple. Let's say you have a product that you want to promote. It doesn't matter from ClickBank Walmart. It doesn't matter now you promote it in. Your own way either by your own website as maybe you do have a funnel.

Maybe you have some advertisements. It doesn't really matter how you get it. Now some people click on it. Obviously, they're going to give you some information about I'll talk about that here in just a little bit. Sorry.They can give you a link that is unique only to you so they can attract everything and also track all the people that buy so they can pay you after that if Buddy buys, it doesn't matter what it is that you get paid. Now you get paid what percentage of the amount that is sold that could be 20% 50% 80% It depends on the company and depends on the product. So now you know how it works. I'm not going to go well, let's go and repeat it real quick.

You pick something that you want to and I do have a lot of things to go in detail, but the subject of this video is what is affiliate marketing so I don't want to go into a deep dive about it because I do have some other important videos that go step by step which I'm going to put in the description but this is how it goes. You promote it, people find it, they click on it. they buy it. Then you get paid because they are tracking everything the affiliate marketing if it was ClickBank for example, is a track in everything it tracks every And then when somebody buys they send you that information, they send you the money, and they also give you information about how many clicks you got how many people looked at your link now? Can you make money in affiliate marketing? A lot of people wonder if this scam is just something that I can do is just something that is going to be there tomorrow. I can tell you yes, and no at the same time. It depends mostly on you.

Now.I'm going to show you some proof here in just a little bit. So make sure you see that and you know, there's a big payout for that big payout for people who are really making it. As a career and without further Ado, I'm going to go ahead and just share that with you. Now. These are some of the Affiliates I don't want to put there're a lot of pages out there in here. My friend here Pat. He makes a 179 it says right here. He makes a lot more than that last time.

We looked at his stuff. But this might be a little bit outdated. This is per month John for example makes about half a million per month. He makes about Thousand per month here and some people make more. I know people make more than that, but we have to be careful. I'm not promising. This is a full disclosure. I'm not saying that you will make money. All I'm saying is some people want to know if there are some people making money. Who are they who are making the money, who are these people how they look? What are their faces? How much money are they making? I just want to give you an idea right here so you can have a clear understanding. Picture of yes, you can make money as an affiliate marketer. Alright. The other thing I want to talk about is simple. What can you sell? I've maybe touched on it before but what you can sell is anything that is offered on the internet.

It really doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter at all. Some people think that oh, there are certain things. They can sell or promote. Okay, you are promoting. You're not creating your own product, you're selling someone else's product. Just like I said up there you are selling other people's products. It really doesn't matter now. Last thing I want to talk about is how do you get paid? Because a lot of things are happening online and some people get confused or there might be concern and it's right rightfully. So because everything is happening not face-to-face, it's happening online. How do you get paid? Well, what happens is that they do give you a link inside that link when someone clicks on that. is designed to go and put in a cookie inside that person that Clicked on your link and when that happens, it goes into their hard drive for example, and it lasts sometimes for 30 days 20 days three months. It depends on the company.

So if they came back again, that's what the beauty about it would be if they came back again, maybe a week after and they bought that thing without going through your link. You still get the credit. I just want to make that clear. So you'll understand what I'm talking about. What happens is that you do have a unique link that you have and you would use it that link is unique to you. So anything that happens through that link goes back into you and this is what I'm talking about. The idea is how do you get paid? there are three ways sometimes it depends on the company. They do send you a check in the mail. And then sometimes they do give you options of how you want to get paid but most companies right now are going into bank deposits like that because they think it's more secure. Or and it's more legitimate and then some of them also do PayPal for some companies.

They do all three and give you options of picking exactly which one that you want. You can pick exactly how you want to get paid. Most people like it depending on the person. I can say that but the majority of them like electronic transfer because it's much faster than a check because the check could be lost now.I just want to let you know that this is merely only about affiliate marketing. But if you're interested in that you can go and I'm going to go ahead and leave a link in the description area. go through with it. Just like a course. This is like a course that you can buy for $2,000. It's all free.

I don't know-how long I'm going to keep it there. But it's free go ahead and just go through it in case you do have any questions make sure to leave a comment. And ask that question because I look at every single question and I answer it if it has not been answered by somebody else. So this is how affiliate marketing works if you want to know everything about affiliate marketing watch this playlist right here and if you want to know more about email affiliate marketing watch this video right here as usual. I'll see you at the top.

What is Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

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