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SEO: How to Rank #1 on Google in 2021 (Part-3)

SEO: How to Rank #1 on Google in 2021 (Part-3)

Previous Page (Part-2)

It's getting found in the serp So the pivotal moment the pivotal secret that I want to give you is during that testing time I have one minute left and i'm shutting this off One minute, sweetie and i'm shutting this off, okay I love you and give me one minute The secret is this all right, I gotta go During that testing time is the most important time to start sending in your user signals And it doesn't matter what you're using.

It doesn't matter If you can start sending in the clicks If you can start sending in the traffic more powerful if you can send them to that page right But don't just send them over don't just search for the actual keyword and go to the page. You need to already have your list What do you need a list of chris? Let me break it down because I get these questions The user signals list What other keywords are they bringing in and receiving traffic from? right So if if I complete the on page I complete the off page here.

I complete the off page Next is once I have my list when I start sending in that traffic during the testing state when i'm up in that top position The traffic I start sending in is the other keywords just like the main ranker is receiving If I start sending in the traffic Then the main ranking is receiving from those particular keywords from authority sites or wherever the heck they're doing it Right wherever it's coming from and for whatever keywords If I start sending in those signals during the testing phase I stay at the top of the ranking That's the secret and it was a pleasure to give it to you. It's been a lot of fun. It's been a lot of fun And the reason i'm so excited. I mean it has been over and over and over and over again Time and time again.

It's been showing me. This is how it works This is what's going on if I match the on page if I have some of the links that my competition has and then At the pivotal moment when they're testing my site if I can send in the user signals during that time frame Usually it's about in a day 12 hours. You'll stay there. You'll stay there almost for a whole day. Have you seen this before? If you haven't then maybe you're not watching your rankings, but during that pivotal moment If you take care of the user signals When you're analyzing your competition, it's not just about on page and off page But where is that page getting traffic from what other keywords is it coming in from? What other sites is it getting traffic from? During the testing phase if I can even put in a percentage of what the leading competition is receiving as far as user signals If I can just match a fraction When I when I launch my page and i'm in that position i'll stay there for longer because google will test me longer It's the secret biggest secret that I learned this year It's been an absolute pleasure.

SEO: How to Rank #1 on Google in 2021 (Part-3)

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